July 14

Create the ‘Cure’ of Executive Personal Branding Today

Just as with an effective new medical treatment, you want to start using your brand and reaping the results as soon as possible.

Because researchers and doctors use cures to help people live longer and better, the best time to find one is yesterday or today—and certainly as soon as possible. Similarly, the sooner healthcare leaders do executive personal branding, the sooner they—and the people they impact—can reap the benefits.

Revealing Genius has a lot of experience with executive personal branding. Let’s talk about what exactly personal branding is, what benefits you and your team can receive from you clarifying your personal brand, and our time-proven, bespoke and fun ExcavateTellAffirm™ process that can help you create it.

What Is Executive Personal Branding? 

Executive personal branding is taking the time to excavate who you are, what you stand for and the thing you do best in the world. It also means learning how to tell others about your brand in ways that reach them on an emotional level. And it means spending enough time with your executive personal brand to affirmthat the brand you’ve developed truly distinguishes your unique genius—the singular thing you do best in the world—so perfectly that you can feel it in your bones. 

An important corollary question is, “What isn’t executive personal branding? A simple way to answer this question is: Executive personal bragging is not humblebragging, which is defined as “making a seemingly modest or self-deprecating statement to draw attention to something of which you’re proud.”

Effectively expressing your executive personal brand authentically and sincerely is a good strategy for doing the kind of artful self-promotion that will help you advance your career. Executive personal branding builds conviction and trust. It helps you lead authentically.

Who Can Benefit From This Kind of Branding—and How?

Executives can greatly benefit themselves—and everyone they interact with—by doing executive personal branding.

The clarity you’ll gain about what you do best in the world can help you accelerate your career to more swiftly achieve your next promotion, gain a board seat or go after the big thing you alone can do to improve the world. 

An important step done during the excavate step of the executive personal branding process is defining your keystone goal and objectives. These will set you apart and, like the keystone in an arch, be central to everything you do. An important next step is effectively telling others about your goal and objectives.

Research published in MIS Quarterly found that C-level executives can advance their job prospects by promoting themselves on social media (in the right ways! Remember, no humblebragging.) 

“Self-promotion worked in this class of people,” says Texas McCombs Professor of Information, Risk, and Operations Management Andrew Whinston, an author of the study. “We found that the idea of self-promotion is indeed a valid concept and that it’s worth some time and effort to promote yourself on Twitter.”

More evidence of this: “Personal branding is the No. 1 strategy you should employ to build others’ trust in you and your business,” asserts this article from Entrepreneur magazine. Based on my experience working with hundreds of leaders, I could not agree more.

Once you’re feeling your executive personal brand in your bones, everyone around you—bosses, direct reports, peers, other board members and others—will be drawn to your conviction and become more ready to lend significant support.

The ExcavateTellAffirm™ Executive Personal Branding Process

Good news! You don’t have to figure this out all on your own. The time-proven, bespoke and fun ExcavateTellAffirm™ process from Revealing Genius has already helped hundreds of leaders clarify—and deeply believe in—their executive personal brands, then learn to talk about them.

Now is the time to learn more about executive personal branding and how it can help you and your team! Sign up for our complimentary Excavate Your Brand webinar or invest in our newly released online course or 7-Day Summit. If you need to accelerate the process, we provide 1:1 executive coaching options too. 

Mary E. Maloney

Mary E. Maloney

An executive advisor, educator, speaker and author, Mary E. Maloney is the founder of Revealing Genius and the expert that accomplished leaders trust for positioning, messaging and brand strategy. A former CEO and CMO, Maloney guides healthcare C-suite leaders, founders and physicians to powerfully and strategically message their expertise and “why” so they lead with conviction and achieve their most coveted career goals.


#revealinggenius, #executivebranding, #brandpurpose

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