April 26

Three Keys to Unlocking Your Professional Brand

Learn more about what you stand for by examining your accomplishments, core values and ‘swan song.’

Unlocking your professional brand is made easier when you have lots of keys—that is, lots of ways to approach discovering your unique genius.

When you’re just starting to create your professional brand, unlocking what is at its core might seem difficult. But we can aid your efforts through the time-proven ETA™ process from Revealing Genius. The first step of this process for creating your professional brand—“excavate”—offers lots of approaches for getting at the core of what you stand for and your unique reason to serve.

In the broader world, we have lots of ways to get down to things that may at first be hidden from view. For example, a shovel can be a great tool for excavating soil and looking at what’s underneath. A password can get you behind the gate on a computer so you can read the files you need. A key can unlock a door so you can see what’s inside.

Let’s talk about three of the keys you can use to help unlock your professional brand: your proudest accomplishments, your core competencies and your “swan song.”

Unlocking Your Professional Brand Through Your Proudest Accomplishments

One way to get insight into your professional brand is to spend time thinking about your proudest accomplishments.

Take a moment right now to write down several things you’ve done that you’re proud of. These can be from when you were a child, a young adult, a college student or from any other point in your life.

Next narrow the list to your top three accomplishments. Think about why they stand out. Your answer will say a lot about what is at the core of your professional brand.

Unlocking Your Professional Brand Through Your Core Values

These days we all have a lot of competing priorities in our lives. You’ll learn a lot about your professional brand if you can narrow a long list of things you value to just three top ones.

First, write down lots of things you value. The values you write down could be ones you view as personal as well as ones you think of as being part of your professional life. For example, some common values people find important include loyalty, compassion, honesty, kindness, integrity and selflessness. Other commonly held values include achievement, adventure, courage, creativity, dependability, friendship, health justice, spontaneity and wealth.

Don’t limit yourself to the values provided in the previous paragraph. The important thing is to write down lots of things that you value. Also at this point in the exercise, don’t limit your thinking about what you value. Make a long list.

Then spend some time narrowing your long list of values to just three that resonate with you. The values you choose will speak volumes about your professional brand.

Don’t rush this decision. Sleep on it. Revisit your list another day and see if you want to make a change.

Unlocking Your Professional Brand Through Your ‘Swan Song’

“Swan song” is a metaphorical phrase for a final gesture, such as a person’s last public performance or professional activity before retirement. The phrase refers to an ancient belief that swans sing a beautiful song just before death since they have been silent for most of their lives.

Many famous people have underscored the value of doing a “swan song” exercise.

For example, educator and keynote speaker Stephen Covey is famous for having advised audiences to “begin with the end in mind.” And late Carnegie Mellon University professor Randy Pausch is credited with inspiring many people to live out their dreams with his “Last Lecture” presentation and his book by the same name.

You can do a swan song exercise today and use it to help create your professional brand!

Think of it as choosing a Ted talk topic. If you were going to give a last presentation, what topic would you choose? Write an outline for the main points you would cover.

Then look at your chosen topic and talking points from the perspective of your brand. What do they say about you and what you stand for? What do they say about your unique reason to serve? These are but three ways that Revealing Genius helps professionals unlock their executive brands. If you’d like more tips like these, check out our blog or sign up for our 45-minute complimentary webinar, our 7-Day SummitRG365 membership daily emails or 1:1 sessions. We’re excited to help you unlock your professional brand!

Mary E. Maloney

Mary E. Maloney, FACHE

An executive advisor, educator, speaker, author and producer, Mary E. Maloney is the founder of Revealing Genius and the expert that accomplished leaders trust for positioning, messaging and brand strategy for themselves, their teams and their organizations. A former CEO and CMO, Maloney guides C-suite leaders, founders, physicians and board directors to powerfully and strategically message their expertise and “why” so they lead with conviction and achieve their most coveted goals.


#revealinggenius, #executivebranding, #personalbrand

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