July 10

The Aim of Your Transformation Statement? Flight!

This succinct expression of your executive personal brand will help you better understand who you most want to serve so your career or business can soar.

Why does a caterpillar transform into a butterfly? So it can fly!

So too with transformation statements … by creating and strategically deploying this key brand message, you’ll be able to effectively articulate to anyone, in any situation, the unique transformation only you can help them achieve. And then you and the people you help will both take wing!

In this blog, I’ll talk about the time-proven Excavate-Tell-Affirm™ process from Revealing Genius and how it can help you develop your transformation statement. Then I’ll dive into the formula for a well-crafted transformation statement that can help you clarify who you most want to serve (your beloved avatar), so you can do The Great Work of Your Life.

The Cocoon (Process) for Creating Your Transformation Statement 

We’ve previously posted on the Revealing Genius blog about our process for developing a truly effective transformation statement, also known as an “elevator pitch,” a 30-second commercial or positioning sentence.

During the excavate step of the time-proven Excavate-Tell-Affirm™ process, Revealing Genius listens actively to leaders as they tell their brand stories. Telling unique stories typically leads to an all-but-perfect transformation statement as this simple but effective formula gets filled in: 

I <action word> <my beloved avatar> how to <do what they want to accomplish>
so that they can <have the result/transformation>.

As an example, here’s a transformation statement for Revealing Genius: 

We <guide> <healthcare leaders> to <purposely identify and articulate their brand value>
so they <become recognized experts and rapidly achieve the next milestones in their careers>. 

Notice that while the formula is designed to express what you do, it’s really all about the people you want to serve, your “beloved avatar,” and the transformation you are best in the world at helping them achieve.

This article from ellispond.com says it well: “It’s not just about understanding who they are, it’s about understanding who they want to become.

“They have a problem, and you have the solution,” the article continues. “But nothing will sell that solution if you don’t understand the transformation that needs to take place within them.”

Here at Revealing Genius, we ask clients, participants in our Brand Leadership Summit (the next one will take place Sept. 5-13) and people taking our on-demand online course to reflect on their beloved avatars. What is their day like? What are they thinking? What are they feeling? What are they struggling with? Why are they turning to you for help? 

It’s important to get as much detail in your mind’s eye about your beloved avatar and include that detail in your transformation statement. Does this mean you can only serve people who meet all your criteria for a beloved avatar? Of course not. In all, your clarity about the transformation you were born to support will help you better articulate, with conviction, your unique genius.

Your Transformation Statement Helps Your Career or Business ‘Take Off’

I can honestly say that people come alive when they excavate their personal brands and learn to tell others about them through messaging tools like the transformation statement. When they also affirm their brands so they can feel them in their bones, the power of that conviction spills over into being on-brand every day.

Gartner says on-purpose brands outperform their competitors by 120%. Individuals can take a page from this playbook and thrive.

I’ve seen it happen many times.

Here’s a shining example from my blog: How Kate Found Her Dream Job.

I’ve also seen people who go through our Excavate-Tell-Affirm™ process get the promotion they seek, be selected for a coveted board seat, start a new business, grow an existing organization, do an outstanding update to their LinkedIn profile or CV, make a top-notch all-staff presentation … and so much more.

Ready to excavate your genius and, in turn, transform the world? We’d love to help you, your career and your organization soar—in service to your beloved avatar.
Learn more about executive personal branding, including transformation statement development, through our free 10-minute webinar, Brand Leadership Summit or online course. We’re honored to work with boards and leadership teams as well as individual leaders.

Mary E. Maloney

Mary E. Maloney, FACHE

An executive advisor, educator, speaker, author and producer, Mary E. Maloney is the founder of Revealing Genius and the expert that accomplished leaders trust for positioning, messaging and brand strategy for themselves, their teams and their organizations. A former CEO and CMO, Maloney guides healthcare C-suite leaders, founders, physicians and board directors to powerfully and strategically message their expertise and “why” so they lead with conviction and achieve their most coveted goals. She is a fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE), one of only ~8,000 in the world to earn the credential, the benchmark for board certification in healthcare management.


#brandonpurpose, #messagingmatters, #executivepersonalbranding

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