In 2021, I’ll be celebrating 20 years as the owner of and visual communications artist and graphic designer at P Green Design. The time seemed right to mark this milestone, while looking at ways to take my business to the next level. I also felt that I needed to better “walk the talk” that I promote to my own clients. Mary helped me do just that. It was all there. I simply needed a fresh perspective to “excavate my brand genius.” Through a proven, scientific process, Mary created on-point messaging and positioning that pays tribute to who I am, where I’ve been and where I’m going with my business. The weekly calls were energizing, productive AND fun! We worked on my elevator pitch, tagline, one-sheet bio, LinkedIn profile, website, brochure, pitch deck, video, marketing plan, and much more. I can’t tell you how generous Mary was with her time, superb talent and incredible support. The outcomes far exceeded my expectations. I’m engaged in implementing my rebranding now, and I know the results will make a lasting imprint and be profitable as well. Thank you, Mary, for a remarkable experience!